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My Wake Up advisor:

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- For a free wellness assessment and personalised advice

I advise you in the choice of the best natural health formulas in order to take care of your body and its 100 000 billion cells. As a preventive treatment or out of necessity, cellular health is nowadays essential to our daily life. If we only had one car for our whole life, we would take the greatest care of it to keep it as long as possible: oil change, better oil, better gasoline, regular technical control etc... Imagine for a moment that this vehicle is our body and we only have one for our whole life... So that it takes us as far as possible: let's take care of ourselves first! Good health naturally!

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Pack Pur Form+

                       Pack Pur Form+
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  •                        Pack Pur Form+ 2
Pack Pur Form+
Ref: 002_PF+
Unit Price
214,20 VAT included
A synergy with a broad spectrum of action on the cells.

Very useful in prevention but also very interesting as support for acute and chronic symptoms.

Composed of phycocyanine from a fresh spirulina grown without chlorine, highly assimilated Liposomal Vitamin C and the latest generation of Omega 3, vitamin D3 and astaxanthin.

This pack contains :

2 Phycocyanins 250 ml

2 Liposomal Vitamins C 150 ml

2 Omegas 3 - Vit D3 - Astaxanthin 60 capsules

60 days cure

10% savings
- Regenerating and cleansing action.

- Natural anti-inflammatory action.

- Destocking of fats and toxins.

- Support of the immune system.

- Performance and recovery.

- Action on oxidative stress.

- Action on the nervous and emotional sphere.

- Preventive and curative action.
This pack is composed of
2 phycocyanins extracted from fresh spirulina,
2 highly assimilable liposomal vitamins C and 2 complexes Omegas 3, with vitamin D3 and astaxanthin lastest generation.

The synergy of these 3 formulas allows a wide spectrum action on the cells:

- A judicious combination to optimise the effects of each of them

- Designed for a reinforced 360° action and to allow the body to exploit its full potential!
Your WakeUp advisor is there to support you
This pack is composed of
2 phycocyanins extracted from a fresh spirulina,
2 highly assimilable liposomal vitamins C
and 2 complexes of Omega 3, with vitamin D3 and astaxanthin of the latest generation.
Wake Up pursues a quality approach and guarantees food supplements with:

- No pesticides, no heavy metals, no solvents.

- No GMO, no gluten.

- No milk, no sugar.

- Non-doping.

- Not tested on animals

The S&You range meets very high efficiency requirements.

- High quality natural raw materials.

- Gentle technology.

- Maximum purity and stability.

- Effectiveness recognised by science.

- Sincere and convincing testimonials.
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